ANASTE (Italy)
ANASTE is the Italian national association representing private providers of residential and home care for the elderly, both self-sufficient and non-self-sufficient.
ANASTE is based in Rome and has peripheral offices in almost all territorial regions in Italy, representing over 12,000 beds licensed for operation.

BPA (Germany)
The Federal Association of Private Providers of Social Services (Bundesverband Privater Anbieter sozialer Dienste e.V. / bpa), with more than 13,000 active member institutions, is the largest representation of the interests of private providers of social services in Germany. Privately run institutions providing outpatient and (semi-)inpatient care, assistance for people with disabilities, and child and youth welfare services are essential components of the provision of public services.

FED (Spain)
The Association of Dependency Care Providers (FED), based in Spain, is comprised of companies and organisations that cover the entire range of operators in the dependency care sector: residential centres, day/night centres, home help services and telecare services. Taking all its members into account, it represents 1,800 residential centres with 126,000 beds, 22,000 beds in day centres, 180,000 home help care beneficiaries, and 275,000 telecare users.

PEMFI (Greece)
PEMFI represents all legal structures in Greece that host thousands of elderly people and provides employment to a similar percentage of employees.
Since its establishment in 1974, PEMFI has been helping and will continue to help Greek state and European institutions with the formulation of realistic policies concerning long-term care, mainly for the vulnerable group of older people in closed care facilities, which is growing extensively.

ORELIA (Belgium)
Based on many years of experience in the senior care sector in Belgium, Orelia operates a range of residential care facilities that provide an appropriate form of accommodation or care focused on the quality of life of residents. More than 1,300 residents in Belgium receive premium care in 17 retirement homes and assisted living centres, and more than 1,000 people work in them.
The history of Orelia dates back to 1979. After many years of successfully operating various nursing homes, the company decided to build their own facilities, and in 1992, was founded under the name R&S Projects. R&S acted as a construction coordinator for nursing homes and assisted living facilities. At the end of 2016, R&S underwent a complete transformation and all activities were consolidated under the umbrella of the Orelia brand.

SYNERPA (France)
SYNERPA was established in June 2001 as the merger of three federations: UNEPPA, FNEAPAD, and FFEHPA. This new national union of establishments and residences for the elderly, which federates both commercial and non-profit entrepreneurs, brings its own influence to the sector. SYNERPA is the only organisation in France which represents for-profit and non-profit providers. This political commitment has been strongly affirmed by SYNERPA, as the two components of the private sector are becoming less and less relevant today in terms of the quality of services and the definition of subsidies.
The entire sector is represented by SYNERPA, where everyone deserves their own right place.

Teso (Finland)
The aim of TESO, which has been in operation since 1995, is to promote quality entrepreneurship in the health and social sector. The association’s member companies represent Finnish SMEs working with population segments including the elderly, people with disabilities, children, and young people, as well in the area of substance abuse and mental health rehabilitation.